The Snapple lid says something like "dalmation puppies are born without spots" to which I disagree. Dalmation puppies are the only animals I have seen being born in my life, so I would like to think my memory is accurate here. However, I suppose I was only ten. . .

This building is in Don's town and he wants to buy it someday if it's ever for sale. He wants to live there but I think it should also be a restaurant for fine dining. The river actually runs under it and it sounds powerful but peaceful too.
Ok. Strange experience. . . .americans are so odd. . .
We decide to go in, mainly to see if it was as nice on the inside as the outside, which it was not, and Don warns us about the blasting music and stench of aftershave. He was too right. It hits you like a wall when you enter. I have no idea how the angsty teenage staff manage to remain sane in that work environment. They probably go home and kill small animals after work.
The music was louder than many dance clubs and it sounded like neo-boy-band pop with a lot of bass.
Of course the clothes are uninteresting and overpriced. Especially after being in Europe everything looked so characteristically American. (Hundreds of the same polo shirt with a moose on it in an array of trendy stripes and solids). And as we staggered out of the store when we couldn't possibly take another minute, I had to take this photo which I call "America in a Nutshell". (Don is attempting to pose like one of their models).

I was showing Andrea how to manipulate depth of field.

Don's sister Andrea took us out for sushi. She is great and funny and definitely related to Don.
I call this one "Brewsters on Cellphones".

Don had never had sushi before, so naturally (?) he just ordered randomly off the menu with no idea what he was getting. And he loved it. If you ever needed proof that Don would eat anything. . .

We think these are pieces of radish. Jury's still out.

Jac these are awesome pictures. I'm so impressed
i love you.
and miss you.
like a lot.
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